Psychotherapist Based in Oxfordshire
Contact Revel Phoenix Consultancy in Banbury
"A person does what he does because he sees the world as he sees it"
Alfred Korzybski
Psychotherapy Services based in Oxfordshire
Contact Details
Based in Oxfordshire. Online services provided across the UK.
07950 708597

"People know what they do; frequently they know why they do what they do; but what they don't know is what what they do does"
Michel Foucault

Develop your perception in life for the better and get the help you seek at Revel Phoenix Consultancy.

Abiding by the principles and the Ethical Codes of Conduct of the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) and the BPS (The British Psychological Society)

- Being trustworthy
- Autonomy
- Beneficence
- Non-maleficence
- Justice
- Self-respect

- Respect
- Competence
- Responsibility
- Integrity