Psychotherapist Based in Oxfordshire

Short Term Psychotherapy in Banbury

"A person does what he does because he sees the world as he sees it"

Alfred Korzybski

Short Term Therapy based in Oxfordshire

Why my Short Term Therapy?

  • 8-12 weekly therapy sessions
  • Goal-oriented and Values-based
  • Active client-therapist involvement and co-participation
  • Co-constructed meanings toward self-attainment over client goals

Aim toward restoring your equilibrium

Josef Kala | Revel Phoenix Psychotherapy Services | Stratford-upon-Avon

How can you freely question matters around what you care about most?

Open Ended Psychotherapy | Stratford-upon-Avon | Revel Phoenix

Is gaining self empowerment something you wish for in your activity and leisure?

Stately garden

“Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets.”

Leonardo da Vinci

lamp sq

Abiding by the principles and the Ethical Codes of Conduct of the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) and the BPS (The British Psychological Society)

  • Being trustworthy
  • Autonomy
  • Beneficence
  • Non-maleficence
  • Justice
  • Self-respect
  • Respect
  • Competence
  • Responsibility
  • Integrity